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Did you know pokies are one of the most popular games at online casinos and at land-based venues. They are played by millions of people each day and there are thousands of pokies to choose from. However, most of the people reading this probably have no idea what we’re talking about.

Perhaps you have seen the word pokie before, and if you’re from Australia you’ll be wondering what all the fuss is about. In this article, we’ll explain what a pokie is, why they are so popular, and how the term came to be.As a quick spoiler, it’s an Aussie term for something in the casino world.


We told a bit about the most popular online pokies Australia in the text above, however, there are several titles which also should be considered as the popular ones: Dolphin’s Pearl Deluxe. See full list on legitimatecasino.com.

What is a Pokie?

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Let’s cut straight to the chase. A pokie is a slot machine! At least it’s a slot machine in Australia and New Zealand. If you’ve ever been Down Under, you’ll know Aussies have a penchant for slang terms, and that’s no different in the online casino realm.

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Founded in 1994, Micrograming opened the first online casino ever and they now operate some free pokies machines with free spins of the best online casinos available on the Internet today. An online pokie is a virtual version of pokies that we see located all across Australia in bars and land-based casinos. There are 3-reel, 5-reel and progressives available online. At their core, pokies are spinning reels for cash, if the symbols appearing on the screen. When the reels stop spinning the screen is compared to the paytable of the.

Back in the old days, slot machines were also called “poker machines” in Australia. Taking the “pok” from that term, people in Australia started calling these machines Pokies.

Of course, the slot world has changed since those days of mechanical machines. Even in land-based casinos, most slots have video screens instead of actual spinning reels. Either way, Aussies have kept the term Pokie and even extended it to online slots… everyone loves online pokies!

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Why the Slang?

Understanding why Australians turned slots into a slang term means learning a little about the language culture Down Under. People in the country like to change words and give them slang meaning. So, a good day becomes “gd’day” and a beverage such as beer becomes a “bevvie”. So, it is reasonable that a poker machine becomes a Pokie.

What’s more curious is why slot games were called poker machines in Australia. One theory is poker machines (similar to video poker today) that arrived in the country before mechanical slots. They grew in popularity and became known as pokies. When the first slot machines landed in Australia and sat alongside poker machines, it just became easier to call both types of game pokies.

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Is a Pokie a Slot?

In Australia and New Zealand, there is no difference between a pokie and a slot machine, whether in a land-based casino or online. However, if you adopt the slang and head to another country, such as visiting Las Vegas, you may get some curious looks if your call the slots “pokies”. Still, we think the word pokie is more fun than slot, so we are going to stick to using pokies?

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Other Words for Slots

Australia is not the only country to create a slang terms for slot machines. For some reason, plenty of people around the world have come up with creative names for slots. If you head to the United Kingdom, you will come across the term “fruit machine or fruity”. That’s because classic slots used to have fruit symbols on their reels.

Offering one of the highest rewarding online casino loyalty programs, Online Pokies begins the process of issuing welcome bonuses as soon as you register on our website. Free casino bonuses are offered to casino players in exchange for their commitment to our website. These bonuses can be in cash or kind, depending on your luck and the position of the reels. You can win these bonuses from time to time while playing the game, and use them to get NZ dollars or free spins that range from 10 free spins to 50 free spins. Not only this but you also get 2x,3x and 5x multipliers with the game bonus. The best thing about collecting the welcome bonus is that you don’t have to do anything other than registering on the website to achieve this bonus. Let’s take a look at the working of these bonuses for a better understanding.

How do casino bonuses work?

Casino bonuses work on the principle of alluring customers to a particular website. They offer online casino players a chance to try their luck at the online casino website before putting in real money. The welcome bonus at Online Pokies works on the principle of making people more comfortable to start a game and know their choice. This is why, as soon as you register on our website, we offer you different types of welcome bonuses straight away. The different types of welcome bonus have been listed below. Take a look.

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Types of Welcome Bonuses

Match Bonus – Also known as deposit bonus, players can claim Match Bonus when they deposit real money into their online casino account. The money can be deposited into the online wallet through different mediums including debit and credit cards, or other prepaid options such as online wallets. One of the most commonly received match bonuses is a 100% match bonus that helps you get the same amount of real money that you deposit as a welcome bonus.

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Free Spins Bonus – An extremely popular deposit bonus, Free Spins Bonus can be claimed as soon as you deposit your money. Usually, websites offer free spins bonus that ranges anywhere from 10-50 free spins. These free spins can be used to win real money, more free spins and other bonuses including cashbacks, VIP points, and a fat bankroll.

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How to Claim Welcome Bonus

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You need to follow 3 simple steps to claim your welcome bonus. These are:

1. Register on the online casino game website.
2. Select your payment method and deposit real money in your account.
3. Pick the best welcome bonus available.